Rode Lotus MCR 2023

The 5th Rode Lotus MCR tournament will take place on 9-10 september 2023. This is the second part of the Rode Lotus Cup 2023, the first was #1Riichi  on 22-23 April.

The location of the tournament will be in the center of Leuven, at the bridgeclub Pieterman, Brusselsestraat 61.There will be 7 sessions of each approx 120min : 4 on Saturday and 3 on Sunday. Gong after 115min: finish the game. The maximum number of players is 48. We'll play EMA MCR rules. Ans Hoogland (NL) will be non-playing referee or in case of last minute changes substitute/playing referee assisted by playing referee Michel Van Damme.


Saturday Sunday
Registration 08:30 - 09:00
Round 1 09:15 - 11:15 Round 5 09:15 - 11:15
Round 2 11:35 - 13:35 Round 6 11:35 - 13:35
Round 3 14:35 - 16:35 Round 7 14:35 - 16:35
Round 4 17:00 - 19:00 Awards 16:45 - 17:15

Prizes : individal prizes for 3 highest ranked + additional prize to be awarded for best performance on both Riichi and MCR tournaments. 

Practical information :

  • Variety of sandwiches for lunch, with vegetarian/vegan options
  • On Friday evening 8pm - 11pm there will be occasion for pre-registration and social play at the same venue.
  • There is no parking space at the venue, but there are several parking lots at walking distance. It's a 15min walk from the train station and there are also bus stops nearby.

Registration : Send an e-mail to with your name, EMA number and phone number. Add food restrictions if useful.  Please note that by subscribing you agree with the following conditions:

  • Personal data is used for organizational purposes (i.e. badges, presentations, publication of results and rankings, etc.);
  • You do not object to pictures being taken or video being shot during any stage of the championship and the publication thereof. The rights to these materials belong and remain to the organization of the tournament.
  • By registering, the organization and / or the location can not be held liable for physical and / or material damage on the day of the tournament.
  • All transferred and collected personal data in relation to the tournament is only for internal use by the organizers and will never be shared with other parties.

Registration fee : 40€ (incl lunch, snacks, coffee/tea, water), to be transferred to Rode Lotus BE38 3770 8170 6672 (BIC/SWIFT = BBRUBEBB). 

Live results :

  Totaal Ronde 01 Ronde 02 Ronde 03 Ronde 04 Ronde 05 Ronde 06 Ronde 07
Kolom1 Kolom2 TP MP TP4 MP5 TP7 MP8 TP10 MP11 TP13 MP14 TP16 MP17 TP19 MP20 TP22 MP23
1 Marco Montebelli 25 1000 4 366 1 -9 4 263 4 44 4 94 4 151 4 91
2 Thomas Boutonnet 20 577 4 142 4 81 4 301 0 -39 4 142 4 135 0 -185
3 Gabriel Destrieux 18 467 2 35 4 83 4 160 4 149 1 54 2 -27 1 13
4 Thibaut Arnold 18 377 4 265 4 173 1 -68 4 129 2 -17 2 67 1 -172
5 Agnes Rak 17 466 2 142 2 25 4 184 1 -29 4 84 4 166 0 -106
6 Eloise Heinis 17 313 2 51 4 256 0 -23 4 59 2 -29 1 -45 4 44
7 Sandra Bondoin 17 125 1 -84 2 14 0 -174 4 167 4 96 2 51 4 55
8 Cyrille Rak 16 681 4 206 1 -1 4 512 2 48 2 -64 1 -44 2 24
9 Vasile Gherman 16 294 4 161 2 37 2 37 2 6 0 -112 2 7 4 158
10 Timur Hahn 15 342 2 172 2 3 1 -127 0 -27 2 40 4 233 4 48
11 Ad Van der Linden 15 292 2 53 4 64 0 -150 2 76 4 220 2 25 1 4
12 Sandra Van   Wijngaarden 15 205 0 -147 4 110 2 100 0 -146 1 -126 4 107 4 307
13 Thibault Vroonhove 15 167 0 -269 4 126 4 112 2 122 2 16 1 -36 2 96
14 Kevin Toussaint 14 281 4 182 0 -72 1 -114 2 52 4 226 1 -127 2 134
15 Ivar Bouwman 14 163 1 -181 1 31 0 -149 2 70 4 307 4 70 2 15
16 Olav Sommers 14 99 2 4 1 -14 4 142 4 141 1 -85 0 -102 2 13
17 Katarzyna Chabelska 14 55 0 -242 4 105 1 -92 1 -103 2 37 4 217 2 133
18 Jacqueline Oudshoorn 14 -13 0 -308 1 -41 4 152 1 -25 4 118 2 60 2 31
19 Bruno de Aguiar 13 209 1 13 0 -62 4 224 0 -152 0 -149 4 161 4 174
20 Véronique Boisson 13 -59 1 -90 4 42 2 -20 2 -15 1 -30 1 -48 2 102
21 Benjamin Kam 13 -87 1 -113 1 -41 1 -93 4 96 2 75 0 -41 4 30
22 André Gouadon 12 94 4 103 2 92 0 -180 1 -4 0 -98 1 -43 4 224
23 Marion Hoarau 12 38 4 281 0 -238 1 -65 0 -33 1 -114 2 32 4 175
24 Anais Fonteneau 12 -71 0 -86 1 -3 4 13 2 18 4 108 0 -62 1 -59
25 Cédric Aguerre 12 -117 1 -43 2 -32 1 -17 4 96 2 35 1 -41 1 -115
26 Elizabeth Toucas 11 -286 4 38 2 -31 1 -37 4 117 0 -124 0 -177 0 -72
27 Chris Offermans 10,5 90 4 170 0 -129 1,5 5 0 -58 0 -58 4 177 1 -17
28 Julien Talbot 10,5 -207 1 -136 1 8 1,5 5 4 58 0 -149 1 -11 2 18
29 Michel Van Damme 10 -35 4 186 0 -171 0 -159 1 -17 2 34 2 194 1 -102
30 Christiane d'Angelo 10 -289 2 98 0 -139 2 -105 1 -111 2 -23 1 -72 2 63
31 Hui Xiang 10 -471 0 -240 2 21 2 -25 0 -171 4 61 1 -54 1 -63
32 Cédric Baudoin 9 -119 2 72 0 -57 2 72 1 -1 4 60 0 -129 0 -136
33 Marjan Van den   Nieuwendijk 9 -158 2 158 1 20 2 35 0 -140 2 47 2 -50 0 -228
34 Josiane Delbos 9 -161 0 -189 1 -54 2 45 2 76 1 -39 2 -2 1 2
35 Tine Weckhuyzen 9 -197 1 3 4 57 0 -138 2 66 0 -56 0 -174 2 45
36 Oscar Van den   Nieuwendijk 8 -272 0 -113 2 7 0 -138 0 -129 1 -20 4 153 1 -32
37 Irma Michiels 8 -329 0 -184 4 256 0 -125 2 -8 0 -129 2 54 0 -193
38 Xenia Despot 8 -333 2 11 0 -114 1 -94 1 -37 0 -128 4 115 0 -86
39 Chris De Roock 8 -418 2 -44 0 -157 4 207 0 -150 1 -39 0 -167 1 -68
40 Wenda Vanderbist 7 -708 1 -32 0 -174 2 -25 4 85 0 -225 0 -117 0 -220
41 Eva Demichel 6 -404 0 -169 2 41 1 -194 1 -9 1 31 1 -54 0 -50
42 Pauline Vanderlinden 6 -694 0 -157 0 -86 0 -213 1 -69 1 16 0 -284 4 99
43 Marjoleine Lips 5 -427 1 -26 1 -50 2 6 1 -30 0 -71 0 -131 0 -125
44 Jos Dermout 4 -490 1 -49 2 23 0 -50 0 -172 1 -36 0 -137 0 -69